I have been circling experiences of presence in nature – including questions of what IS nature – within the formal language of painting for 40+ years. The paintings are fundamentally an act of sense making. These days patterns, primarily plant, serve as both a reference to life and the basis for improvisational responses that in themselves reveal how life works; ecosystems of relationships that unfold through mutual transformations (Andreas Weber, The Biology of Wonder). In the case of painting, idea, surface, mark, color, form, and perception, generate felt structures.
I am interested in exploring frameworks, conceptually and through the painting practice, that situate we humans within life. Perceiving our shared subjectivity with living organisms, opens us to sensing possibilities for innovative co-existence with a living Earth.
The painting practice is a small act of visually navigating this perceptual territory.
Senior Lecturer, Emerita
University of Vermont
Department of Art and Art History
Environmental Program Affiliate
Burlington, VT. 05405
1981 M.F.A. Painting, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, New York
1976 B.A. Studio Art, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont
2015, 1998 Schumacher College, Institute of Ecological Studies, Totnes, UK.
Emergent Universe Oratorio, Composer Sam Guarnaccia, Video Animation Set Design, Cameron Davis with Animator William Tipper, Albany ProMusica, Skidmore College, Zankel Hall, Saratoga, NY
Illuminated Worlds, Art at the Kent Museum, Adamant, VT, https://www.kentscorner.org/
Magnolia’s Desire, AVA Gallery, Lebanon, NH, solo
Biophilia: In Excelsis, Yale Institute of Sacred Music, New Haven, CT
ELEMENTAL, Mad River Valley Arts, Waitsfield, VT, https://www.madrivervalleyarts.org/
Soft Openings, K. Grant Fine Art, Vergennes, VT
Climate Imaginarium – Biophilia: In Excelsis, Governors Island, New York City
Peace Boat – Biophilia: In Excelsis, traveling exhibition, NYC
In the Garden, Current Center for the Arts, Stowe, VT
Members Show, Current Center for the Arts, Stowe, VT
Poetic Ecologies, Vermont State Supreme Court Gallery, Montpelier, VT, solo
Earth’s Materials, Perennial Perspectives in the Arts, Exhibition, New Perennial Project, Middlebury College & The Land Institute, Kansas, Middlebury, VT
Members Show, Current Center for the Arts, Stowe, VT
Earth Bestows Exhibition, New Perennial Project, Middlebury College & The Land Institute, Kansas, ASIG, Shelburne, VT https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QkOKj-bAmGCf5hHarWA9abgqDcPtRvWA/view
Eco Consciousness, Ecoartspace, LLC, Santa Fe, New Mexico, Juror Eleanor Heartney, Sept. 1 https://issuu.com/ecoartspace/docs/ecoconsciousness2020
Performative Ecologies, Ecoartspace, featured artist, New Mexico
The Mythopoetic Imagination, group exhibition, The Great Mother, New Father Conference, Nobleboro, ME.
Nourishing Change Through the Arts, Earth Day 2019, Middlebury College Center for the Arts, Middlebury, VT
Cameron Davis Recent Work, Northern Daughters Fine Art Gallery Annex, Shelburne, VT, solo
Cameron Davis Paintings, Burlington City Arts, University of Vermont Medical Center, VT, solo
Deciphering the Lyrics of Lichen (U. LeGuin), Feverish World Symposium exhibition, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT
Cosmophilia, D&R Greenway Land Trust Gallery, Princeton, NJ
Cosmophilia, Villanova University, International Big History Association Conference, Radnor Township, PA
Endless Spring (paintings) Maltz Center for the Performing Arts, Cleveland, Ohio. Painted in collaboration with Composer Sam Guarnaccia, Emergent Universe Oratorio, solo
Endless Spring (paintings) and Airs, Waters, Soils (Places) (paintings), John Carroll University, World Jesuit Association Congress, Cleveland, Ohio, solo
The Mythopoetic Imagination Great Mother conference exhibition, Waxwing Medicine 20 7’x 8’ drawings on sheer fabric, and sculpture from the Airs, Waters, Soils (Places) series, Nobleboro, Maine
Of Land and Local: Watershed, Shelburne Farms Burlington City Arts, Burlington, VT,
Of Land and Local: Watershed, Burlington City Arts, Burlington, VT
6X HOWL, BASTA Collaborative (Bridging Arts, Science, and Theory in the Anthropocene), UVM Billings Center, following Sixth Extinction (Kolbert) event
Contemporary Voices, Fleming Museum, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT
Eyes on the Land: Artists Explore Farms & Forests, in partnership with the Vermont Land Trust & Champlain Orchards, Shelburne Museum, Shelburne, VT
Creative Cosmos, Art and Science, Chandler Gallery, Randolph, VT
Cameron Davis Paintings, HINGE, Architecture & Design Studio, solo, Burlington, VT
Endless Spring, paintings, The Sanctuary at ASIG, Shelburne, VT
Emergent Universe Oratorio premiere, composed by Sam Guarnaccia
SET DESIGN: painting series, Endless Spring, Cameron Davis
In consultation with Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology, inspired by Journey of the Universe, by Brian Swimme & Mary Evelyn Tucker, in partnership with: Shelburne Farms, All Souls Interfaith Gathering, The American Teilhard Association
Mutual Gaze: Call and Response, Winooski Pop-Up Gallery District, Winooski, VT
Turning Leaves, Book Arts Invitational, Chandler Art Museum, Randolph, VT
Beaming Bioneers, Montpelier, VT, EaarthPeace Oratorio (changed to the Emergent Universe Oratorio) video set design (8min.) cinematographer Ben Bach, satellite national live streaming annual Bioneers conference event.
Human=Landscape, Aesthetics for a Carbon Restrain Future, Burlington City Arts, Burlington, VT
Human=Landscape, Aesthetics for a Carbon Restrained Future, Chaffee Art Center, Rutland, VT
108 Blessings - Recent work by Cameron Davis and Shelley Warren, 215 College Gallery, Burlington, VT,
30/30 Print Project, Flynn Gallery, Burlington, VT
What Matters Most, Exit Art Underground Space NYC, Ecoart [space] NYC
Conscious Living in a Sacred World, Conference, paintings, ASIG Shelburne, VT
Human=Landscape, Aesthetics of a Carbon Restrained Future Burlington City Arts Burlington, VT, The Dear World Project, a community art, installation of small works and performance in response to the October 24, 2009, 350.org international global climate event August 14 – October 24, Art Director/Creator, community art performance event
Suddenly Visible, POL 5, Swiss-Vermont exchange, www.suddenlyvisible.org
Let Ours Be a Time Remembered, a participatory performance on behalf of the atmosphere, 350VT.Org global climate action event, video, cinematographer Ben Bach, Burlington, VT
Messages to Earth, Community Art Installation for Focus the Nation 2008, global climate teach-in, Art Director, community art installation University of Vermont, Davis Center, VT
Re-Covering: 26 Artists Re-Imagine 26 Books, “Secret Garden” Art About Books Gallery, Brighton Press, San Diego, CA
Nature Remains: The Artist as Environmentalist, Helen Day Art Center, Stowe, VT
Waxwing Medicine and Calling Back the Devas, Holly Hall Bristol, VT, solo
Art Director/Creator, community art participatory installation: Messages to Earth, StepItUp.org global climate action, University of Vermont public Green, Burlington, VT, w/ UVM Environmental Art students, April Earth Week
Art Director, community art participatory installation: Messages to Earth, Re- Energize New Hampshire, global climate action, Concord, NH
Cameron Davis New work, paintings, Starry Night, and Ferrisburgh, VT, solo
A Gift for the Road, installation of 20 drawings on sheer fabric in response to The Road Less Traveled: Vermonters Walk for a Clean Energy Future,” led by author, Bill McKibben, Francis Colburn Gallery, University of Vermont, VT, solo
A Gift for the Road, installation of 20 drawings on sheer fabric in response to The Road Less Traveled: Vermonters Walk for a Clean Energy Future,” led by author, Bill McKibben, Goddard College, Crop Circle Conference, solo
A Gift for the Road, From the Road Less Traveled, Vermonters walk for a Clean Energy Future - 10 installations in 10 configurations:
In the maple trees at the Robert Frost Trail, Ripton, VT
On the Middlebury Town Green, VT,
In a pasture across from the UVM Morgan Horse Farm, Weybridge, VT
In the gazebo at the Vergennes Town Green, VT
In the trees along route 7 at the Charlotte Berry Farm, VT,
In the trees outside the Charlotte Senior Center, VT,
Inside the Charlotte Congregational Church, VT
Inside the Breeding Barn at Shelburne Farms, VT
In the woods at Shelburne Farms, VT
In the trees at Battery Park, Burlington, VT
Temenos Books Project: The Netherlands the Royal Tropical Museum, Amsterdam
The Temenos Books is a community arts project co-created by Cami Davis and Sally Linder introducing over 20,000 participants from four continents to the Earth Charter, an international document for global ethics and sustainable development. www.earthcharter.org. The Temenos Books travel in the Ark of Hope designed and painted by Sally Linder www.arkofhope.org.
During the Earth Charter +5 event, the Ark of Hope and Temenos Books were on exhibit at the Royal Tropical Museum after a three-month tour of The Netherlands where 8000 elementary and secondary students participated in the Temenos Books Project culminating in a ceremony to honor Queen Beatrix's 25 years on the throne. Twenty-five of the best student images were chosen to go into a book cover made by the queen and gifted to the Ark of Hope as a symbol of the Dutch government's support of the Earth Charter. www.arkofhope.org and www.earthcharter.org
Temenos Books Project: India International Women's Conference, India, hosted by His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, exhibition of The Ark of Hope (Sally Linder) and Temenos Books (Davis/Linder)
Quantum Community Project; an ecological participatory event; a collage of poems, video images, veil drawings, sound images, yoga, contemplative practices, and song www.mettaearth.org
Veil installation, Cameron Davis
Poems, Gillian Kapteyn Comstock
Video, Ogion Fulford
Crop Circle Conference, Goddard College, Plainfield, Vermont, Oct
Castle City Pavilion, Castle City, Utah, Sept.
Purdue University, Tippecanoe Arts Federation, Lafayette, Indiana, June
Assisi Seminars Annual Conference, Brattleboro, VT, May
University of Vermont, Ira Allen Chapel, Earth Week Celebration, April
Shelburne Town Hall, Shelburne, Vermont, February
Wish You Were Here VI, A.I.R. Gallery, invitational 511 W 25th St, NYC, NY 10001
Natural Grace; Sustainable Vision or the Art of Seeing Gracefully, Cameron Davis, Davis TeSelle, Janet Fredericks, and Dona Seegers, essay, Adrian Ivakhiv, Ph.D. UVM Environmental Program, Amy E. Tarrant Gallery, Burlington, VT
Temenos Books Project: Vermont, co-created w/ Sally Linder Sustainable Communities Conference 2004, Burlington, VT
Art's Alive Invitational, The Gallery at Opaline, Burlington, VT
Limina; Painted Prayers for Threshold Times, Women's Center Gallery, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, solo
Wish You Were Here Too! A.I.R. Gallery, invitational, 511 W 25th St, NYC, NY 10001
Mentor/Student Exhibition, University of Vermont Environmental Program 30th Anniversary Celebration exhibition, Coach Barn at Shelburne Farms
Art's Alive Invitational, Burlington VT
Cameron Davis Paintings, Christine Price Gallery, Castleton State College, Castleton, VT, solo
Cameron Davis Paintings, Environmental Program, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, solo
Cameron Davis Paintings, Allen House Gallery, University of Vermont , VT, solo
Temenos Books Project and the Ark of Hope (Sally Linder) Exhibition: World Summit on Sustainable Development, Johannesburg, South Africa 8-11-02 Industrial Development Corporation - Nedcor Bldg. Sandton S.A.
8-12-02 The Ark of Hope and Temenos Books walked from Church-Square, Pretoria to zoo.
8-15-02 Open exhibition of The Ark of Hope and Temenos Books, Riversands Farm, Gauteng, with Gauteng Mayor and Mayor of Johannesburg 8-16-02 The Ark of Hope and Temenos Books travel to 5 schools Johannesburg
8-18-02 The Ark of Hope, Temenos Books and Earth Charter featured: Global Footprints Family Festival.
8-24-02 The Children of Diepsloot (South Africa) walked the Ark of Hope and Temenos Books through their squatter camp (2 miles) to Johannesburg to the “Wings of Life” Center.
8-25-02 The Ark of Hope and Temenos Books walked from Ecovillage to Summit site.
8-26-02 T Temenos workshops in Diepsloot, “Children: Vital partners in globalization and the preservation of the Earth” - The Ark of Hope (and Temenos Books) and Children of Diepsloot, Sundton Conference Centre - United Nations site Exhibition Ubuntu Village
8-30-02 Sacred Site Earth Charter Celebration, The Ark of Hope and Temenos Books
The Temenos Books Project United Nations, New York City
The World Tree Event with Paul Winter, paintings, Breeding Barn, Shelburne Farms, VT,
Temenos Books and the Ark of Hope (Sally Linder): VT to NYC The Temenos Books inside the Ark of Hope was walked from northern Vermont to the United Nations, NYC in response to Sept 11, 2001, terrorist attacks
Temenos Books Project: Vermont Artist Teachers Association, “Youth Art Month Theme” The Temenos Books, Images for Global Healing, Peace and Gratitude, Vermont State House Exhibit, Montpelier - 50 VT schools participated
For Love of Earth, A Celebration of the Earth Charter, event, co-created with Sally Linder, Breeding Barn @Shelburne Farms, VT
Temenos Books Project, with Sally Linder, Shelburne Farms, Shelburne, VT
Heaven's Sabbath Fleshed (Wendall Berry), Ferrisburgh Artisans Guild, VT
Generations II, A Survey of Woman Artists at the Millennium, paintings, A.I.R. Gallery, NYC, NY
Community, Spirit and Nature Conference Exhibition: Antioch College Gallery, Keene, NH
University of Vermont Faculty Exhibition, Francis Colburn Gallery, Burlington, VT
Lilith's Footprint, The Men's Room Gallery, Burlington, VT
Friends of the Gallery, The Gallery at Essex, Essex, NY
Healing Art: From the Inside Out, Trinity College Gallery, Burlington, VT, solo
Ultimate Concerns: The Work of 12 Woman Artists, video
United Nations 4th World Conference on Women, Beijing, China: Global Focus: Women in Art and Culture; video by Cameron Davis, also a featured painter
The World's Women online, Small Works Exhibition, United Nations 4th World Conference on Women, Beijing, China
Vermont Artists Invitational, Firehouse Gallery, Burlington, VT
August Selections the Gallery at Essex, Essex, NY
Arts Alive Firehouse Gallery, Burlington, VT
Sacred Space: Intention/Attention, paintings, Francis Colburn Gallery, University of Vermont, VT, solo
Cameron Davis Paintings, The Gallery at The Store, Essex, NY, solo
Transformations Vermont State Craft Center, Burlington, VT,
Vermont Artists Furghott-Sourdiff Galley, Shelburne, Vermont,
Cameron Davis Paintings, Beside Myself Gallery, Arlington, VT, solo
Diversity and Vision Blue Mountain Galley, New York, NY,
USA/Australian Exchange, Sidney, Australia
Cameron Davis Paintings, Trinity College Gallery, Burlington, VT
A New Wave for a New Decade; Seven Artists, Gallery Two, Woodstock, VT
Cameron Davis Paintings, Passepartout Gallery, Winooski, VT, solo
Working Drawings, University of Vermont Faculty Exhibition, Fleming Museum, Burlington, VT
10 Vermont Artists SOHO 20 Gallery, New York, NY
Moonlight and Angels Passepartout Gallery, Winooski, VT
Cameron Davis Paintings, Passepartout Gallery, Winooski, VT, solo
Arts Alive Festival of Fine Arts, Burlington, VT
Cameron Davis Paintings, Francis Colburn Gallery, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, solo
Winter Art: The Magic Mirror Helen Day Art Center, Stowe, VT
Vermont Studio Center New York Benefit, New York, NY
Vermont Visual Artist's in the Governor's Corridor Vermont Council on the Arts touring exhibit, Montpelier, VT, Green Mountain Power Gallery, Burlington, VT, Christine Price Gallery, Castleton State College, Castleton, VT
Regional Selections: Save Life on Earth, International Invitational Robert Hull Fleming Museum, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT
Four Artists Moonbrook Gallery, Rutland, VT
Vermont Studio Center Exhibition, Colchester, VT
Art Vermont '86 Helen Day Art Center, Stowe, VT,
Faculty/Alumni Juried Exhibition, Fleming Museum, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT
VT/NH Artists National Traveling Exhibition, Old Bergen Art Guild, Bayonne, NJ
Northeast Regional Women's Caucus for Art Juried Exhibition Trinity College Gallery, Burlington, VT
Open Studios Burlington, Burlington, Vermont
Cameron Davis Paintings, Millhouse-Bundy Gallery, Burlington, VT, solo
Vermont Woman's Caucus for Art Juried Exhibition, Helen Day Art Center, Stowe, VT
Cameron Davis Paintings, Church Street Center Gallery, Burlington, VT, solo
Cameron Davis Paintings, L/L Gallery, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, solo
Pratt Alumni Juried Exhibition Cayman Gallery, NYC, NY
All New England Small Works Exhibition, Passepartout Gallery, Winooski, VT
Stratton Arts Festival, Stratton, VT
Cameron Davis Paintings, Colburn Gallery, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, solo
Banff Centre Festival of Fine Arts, Banff, Alberta, Canada
Vermont Arts Council Artist Development, National Endowment for the Arts, Vermont Foundation Grant, Emergent Universe Oratorio Video Animation Set Design
Exhibition Excellence Award, ELEMENTAL, Mad River Valley Arts, Waitsfield, VT
University of Vermont, 2023, 2024, Retired Faculty Research Award, Emergent Universe Oratorio Set Design
2024, ’11,’09,’89, ’87, ’86 ’85, Vermont Studio Center, Vermont Visual Artist’s Week Fellowships
2023 University of Vermont, Retired Faculty Research Award, Emergent Universe Oratorio Set Design
2023 New Perennials Grant, for Emergent Universe Oratorio Set Design
2023 Fleming Museum, Red Flower Dream, Endless Spring Series, acquisition, University of
Vermont, Burlington, VT
2018 University of Vermont, College of Arts & Sciences, Small Grant Research Award, new body of work, Deciphering the Lyrics of Lichen, & The Meter of Eternity (Ursula LeGuin),
2017 Argosy Foundation Grant, Endless Spring paintings, world premiere, Emergent Universe Oratorio (Guarnaccia), Maltz Center for the Performing Arts, Cleveland, exhibition
2015 University of Vermont Humanities Center Coor Collaborative Fellowship Award, Project: “UVM and the Environmental Humanities.,” Collaborative Fellow
2013 Argosy Foundation Grant,
Emergent Universe Oratorio premiere event: painting series, Endless Spring
2013 Puffin Foundation Grant
Emergent Universe Oratorio premiere event: painting series, Endless Spring
2012-13 University of Vermont Sustainability Fellow
1998 Schumacher College, Institute of Ecological Studies, Devon, England,
Practices in Psychology, Ecology and Art, “short course” with James Hillman and Margot McLean, academic bursary
1987 Jackson Pollock-Lee Krasner Foundation Grant for painting
1977 Banff Centre for the Arts, Banff, Alberta, Canada, artist residency
KOSMOS Journal, The Art of Belonging/Emergent Universe Oratorio, Cultivating a Unitive Mindset, Sam Guarnaccia, Cameron Davis, Paula Guarnaccia, Vol. 25, Issue #1, https://www.kosmosjournal.org/kj_article/emergent-universe-oratorio-2/
Cambridge University Press, EcoArt in Action, Activities, Case Studies & Provocations, ed. A. Geffen, A. Rosenthal, C. Fremantle, A. Rahmani
Seven Days, VT, ELMENTAL Makes Waves at Mad River Valley Arts https://www.sevendaysvt.com/arts-culture/elemental-makes-waves-at-mad-river-valley-arts-42398612
Seven Days, VT, Kent’s Corner is Lit: ‘Illuminated Worlds’ Features 24 Vermont Artists, Alice Dodge https://m.sevendaysvt.com/arts-culture/illuminated-worlds-in-calais-features-24-vermont-artists-41816093
Times Argus, Illuminated Worlds: Vermont Artists Draw Inspiration from Infinite Realms, Review, , VT, Mary Gow, https://www.timesargus.com/features/vermont_arts/illuminated-worlds-vermont-artists-draw-inspiration-from-infinite-realms/article_9dcbc514-e76e-5c92-a116-6ee9ca812cb3.
Art New England, Illuminated Worlds, Sept.-Oct. 2024, Review Cynthia Close, https://artnewengland.com/september-october-2024-toc/
Illuminated Worlds, The Observer, Review
The Montpelier Bridge, An Annual Art Show in a Museum Like No Other, by Tom McKone, An Annual Art Show in a Museum Like No Other
Susan Apel: ARTFUL
Biophilia: In Excelsis: Embracing the Earth, Reflecting the Science, Abby Luby, April 9, 2024, https://climateyou.org/2024/04/09/embracing-the-earth-reflecting-the-science/
Artists Open Path to Grapple with Climate Change, Biophilia: In Excelsis exhibition review, New Haven Independent, https://www.newhavenindependent.org/article/biophilia
Seven Days, “Top Ten Vermont Exhibitions of 2023,” Pamela Polston
Paperbark Magazine, Poetic Ecologies: Cameron Davis, feature interview, University of Massachusetts Amherst, School of Earth and Sustainability, the College of Humanities and Fine Arts, and the UMass Libraries, Issue 05, https://www.paperbarkmag.org/
Seven Days, VT, With her Exhibit ‘Poetic Ecologies, ’Painter Cameron Davis Explores Radical Aliveness, Vermont State Supreme Court Gallery, Montpelier, VT https://www.sevendaysvt.com/arts-culture/with-her-exhibit-poetic-ecologies-painter-cameron-davis-explores-radical-aliveness-37690421
Moments with Melinda, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTQSZcn78n4
Ecoart in Action: Activities, Case Studies & Provocations for Classrooms & Communities, "a field guide that offers practical solutions to critical environmental challenges,” NYU Press. Chapter Contribution
https://www.newvillagepress.org/ecoart-in-action-contributors/?fbclid=IwAR2A73JjYSWRv9c_o8stlEAoGSW547vLcLzyV9V4zPDLv-jovC8xTGnTuxE https://www.artandeducation.net/announcements/517087/ecoart-in-action
The Perennial Turn, Contemporary Essays from the Field, Ed. Bill Vitek, paintings, Cameron Davis
Kosmos Journal, Endless Spring series painting article on the Emergent Universe Oratorio project. https://www.kosmosjournal.org/kj_article/emergent-universe-oratorio/
Seven Days, Cameron Davis Paintings: Reflect Reverence for Earth,
Shelburne News, http://www.shelburnenews.com/2019/03/28/july-19-calendar/
Vermont Cynic, https://vtcynic.com/culture/arts/senior-lecturers-art-addresses-ecological-changes/
Seven Days, “Of Land & Local: Watershed” http://www.sevendaysvt.com/vermont/art-review-of-land-and-local-watershed-bca-center-and-shelburne-farms-coach-barn/Content?oid=3735508
Seven Days, “Artists Howl for the Anthropocene,” Rachel Elizabeth Jones, September 16, 2016
ArtScope Magazine, Interview by Alexandra Tursi, March 2016
Seven Days, Eyes on the Land, Shelburne Museum, group exhibition, review by Kevin Kelley, Oct 7-14, Vol.21, No. 05, 2015 sevendays.com/art
Vermont Land Trust, Eyes on the Land, interview and article, by Lori Duff, August
Cameron Davis Paintings, Endless Spring Series, Emergent Universe Oratorio, Exhibition Catalog, 2014
Seven Days, Emergent Universe Oratorio, Burlington, VT, August 2013
Kosmos Journal, “Gallery Two (Featured Artist: 8 full pages),” November 2011, paintings, and installations by Cameron Davis, www.kosmosjournal.com
Traces, Paintings by Linda E. Jones, exhibition catalog essay by Cameron Davis, Champlain College, Burlington, VT
Deep Listening, the Abstractions of Painter Sally Linder, essay, by Cameron Davis, Kasini House Press, April
The Role of the Arts in Creating a Sustainable Future, “I Believe Essay: The Burlington Free Press, April
A Song of Fishes, a film short by Alison Crouse, a Lazy Eye Production, paintings featured
The San Diego Union Tribune, January 3, 2008, Book `Em Dano Re-covery: 26 Artists Re-imagine 26 Books, review
Seven Days, Nov. 07-14, 2007, Review Nature Remains: The Artist as Environmentalist: Remains of the Day, Marc Awodey, sevendaysvt.com/art
The Times Argus, Visual Art Sept. 28, 2007, Confronting Climate Change: Helen Day Artists Tackle Global Warming from Trash to Tragic, review, group exhibition Helen Day Art Center
Vermont Guardian, Art Gets EnvironMENTAL, Shay Totten local, Jan. 26, 2007, review, www.GreenMuseum.org
The Stowe Reporter, Art with a Message: Stowe exhibit poses tough questions about the environment, Sept. 13, 2007, Scott Monroe, group exhibition, Helen Day Art Center
5 Days Across Vermont: Marching for Climate Change, documentary film by Jan Cannon, with “Waxwing Medicine,” veil paintings installation featured by Cameron Davis, premiere Feb 26, 2007, Middlebury College, Vermont
Seven Days, Climate of Concern, Eyewitness, Taking Note of Visual Vermont, by Pamela Polston, Feb. 21-28, 2007, review, group exhibition
Vermont Guardian, Art Gets EnvironMENTAL, Shay Totten local, Jan. 26, 2007, review, www.GreenMuseum.org international,
The View, from the University of Vermont Earth is Taking Messages, Environmental Art Class Marks Earth Week with Exhibit on the Green, by Lee Griffin
Essay Co-Author: Toward a Sustainable World: The Earth Charter in Action, ed, Peter
Blaze Corcoran, KIT Publishers, Amsterdam, In cooperation with the Earth Charter International Secretariat, San Jose, Costa Rica, “The Ark of Hope and Temenos Books,” co-author, Sally Linder and Cameron Davis
The View, University of Vermont, Ark of Hope (Sally Linder) the ark's contents: community arts project, Temenos Books co-directed and created by Cameron Davis and Sally Linder, Jon Reidel, Nov '07, 2005
Natural Grace, Sustainable Vision or the Art of Seeing Gracefully, Amy E. Tarrant Gallery, Flynn Center for the Performing Arts, Burlington, VT, July, Featured Artist Curator, Essay by Adrian Ivakhiv, PhD
Seven Days, Sustaining Grace, Four Area Artists, Natural Grace, Sustainable Vision, or the Art of Seeing Gracefully Burlington, VT, July
Burlington Free Press, Eve Thornton, Natural Grace, Sustainable Vision or the Art of Seeing Gracefully, Amy E. Tarrant Gallery, Flynn Center for the Performing Arts, Burlington, VT
The Sunday Rutland Herald and The Sunday Times Argus, Going with the Flow, by Anne Galloway, exhibition review of Natural Grace, Sustainable Vision, or the Art of Seeing Gracefully, Amy E. Tarrant Gallery, Flynn Center for the Performing Arts, Burlington, VT, July 25, 2004, artist and curator
ORION Afield, The Ark of Hope Carrying the Earth Charter Toward United Nations, by Sally Linder www.orionsociety.org/pages/oa/index_oa.html, co-authored community art project Temenos Books featured. Linder/Davis
The Voice News, Yale University, New Haven, CT, The Ark of Hope and the Temenos Books www.thevoicenews/news/2001/1116/features/ArkofHope.html, review, co-authored community art project Temenos Books featured. Linder/Davis
An Interfaith Diary, Interfaith Center of New York, Harrington, Peggy, A Day in the Life of the Ark of Hope, December 3, 2001 www.interfaithcenter.org, review, co-author community art project Temenos Books featured, Linder/Davis
Interfaith Center of New York Bulletin, The Ark of Hope Comes to New York …the Temenos Books www.interfaithcenter.org/Ark/arkintro.html., co-author community art project Temenos Books featured, Linder/Davis
Jason Houston Photographic Arts, The Earth Charter Effort photo essay-www.jasonhouston.com/earthcharter, co-director event For Love of Earth, a Celebration of the Earth Charter featured, Davis/Linder
Annals, Todd, Nancy Jack, “The Earth Charter and Lasting Security,”, Volume XIX, #3, 2001, co-author community art project Temenos Books featured, Linder/Davis
Brattleboro Reformer, Hope Stretches from Burlington to U.N co-author community art Temenos Books project, October 17, 2001, Henry, Toby featured, Linder/Davis
The Herald of Randolph, Ark of Hope is Heading to United Nations, Cooch, Sandy, October 4, 2001, co-author community art Temenos Books project featured, Linder/Davis
The Earth Charter Initiative Press Room, Ark of Hope Walk from Burlington to New York, Hallsmith, Gwen, www.earthcharter.org, September 28, 2001, co-author community art Temenos Books project featured, Linder/Davis
The Times Argus, Ark of Hope Comes to Montpelier on its Journey to United Nations, Mills, Stephen, Sept. 20, 2001, co-author community art Temenos Books project featured, Linder/Davis
Burlington Free Press, Ark Carries Messages of Peace, Talbot, Toby, 9/13/2001, co-author community art Temenos Books project featured, Linder/Davis
Orion Society Houston, Highlights from a Celebration of the Earth Charter, Jason, www.orionsociety.org, 9/17/01, co-director/creator/producer event For Love of Earth, A Celebration of the Earth Charter, Linder/Davis
The Rutland Herald, Crowd Rallies for Earth Charter Slayton, Tom, VPR, September 10, 2001, co-director/creator/producer event For Love of Earth, A Celebration of the Earth Charter, Davis/Linder
The Voice, The Ark of Hope and the Earth Charter, Canora, Denise, November 16, 2001, co-author community art Temenos Books project featured, Linder/Davis
Times Herald Record, Treaty to Fight Sprawl Sets Sail for Support, Hall, Wayne, November 10, 2001, co-author community art Temenos Books project featured, Linder/Davis
Clearwater News and Bulletins, Sloop Clearwater Sails the Hudson, Its Cargo a Revolutionary Global Document, Eddy, Ellary, November 2001, co-author community art Temenos Books project featured, Linder/Davis
The Hartford Courant, Ark in Search of a Covenant, Raycraft, Patrick, co-author community art Temenos Books project featured, Linder/Davis
Oasis TV Library, Ark of Hope to Carry Earth Charter to United Nations and The Temenos Books Exhibition, co-author community art Temenos Books project featured, Linder/Davis
During the second preparatory meeting for the World Summit on Sustainable Development www.oasistv.com/news/1-23-02-story,asp, co-author community art Temenos Books project featured, Linder/Davis
ARTNEWS, The Temenos Books, Images for Global Healing, Peace and Gratitude
www.vaae.org/news/vtartsnews.html, co-author community art Temenos Books project featured, Linder/Davis
Spirit in Nature Bulletin, report, The Temenos Project, presenters Cami Davis and Janet Fredericks www.speritnnature.com/images/spincalender.pdf, co-author community art Temenos Books project featured
Earth Charter: The People's Treaty for Vermont and the Temenos Project
co-author community art Temenos Books project featured, Linder/Davis
Temenos Text Temenos Books Project, Images for Global Healing, Peace and Gratitude, project co-creators, Cami Davis and Sally Linder www.res.k12.vt.us/ARTClasseswork/pages/TemenosText.htm
co-author community art Temenos Books project featured
The Vermont Education Report, March 25, 2002, Vol.2, No.13, The Temenos Project www.schoolreport.com/vbe/nlet/03_25_02.htm, co-author community art Temenos Books project featured, Davis/Linder
The Temenos Books Project www.users.crocker.com/~afsc/news/Trapra17.htm, co-author community art Temenos Books project featured, Linder/Davis
Vermont Academy Bulletin, report The Ark of Hope and the Temenos Books Project www.vermontacademy.org/news/news_detail.asp?newsdetails=3514&from=past, co-author community art Temenos Books project featured, Linder/Davis
ARTS Build Community, The Temenos Books Project, co-author community art Temenos Books project featured, Linder/Davis www.vaae.org/conference/01index.html,
The Earth Charter Initiative New Publications, Ark of Hope (and Temenos Project) www.copy.earthcharter.org/, co-author community art Temenos Books project featured, Linder/Davis
Earth Charter Bulletin, For Love of Earth, the Ark of Hope and the Temenos Project, www.nationalplatformjohannesburg.nl/…/download/15/Earth%20Charter%20bulletin%20December%2020 02%20.pdf
Earth Charter Bulletin, For Love of Earth, A Celebration of the Earth Charter, by Cami Davis www.earthcharter.org/resources/publications/bulletin/0112.sp.pdf, essay
Boletin Por amor al la Tierra: Una Celebracion de la Carta de la Tierra, Cami Davis www.earthcharter.org/resources/publications/bulletin/00112.sp.pdf reprint
Seven Days, solo paintings, Marc Awodey, June 2000, review
Seven Days, solo paintings, by Pascal Spenglemen, March 1966, review
Art New England, painting, Firehouse Gallery, group invitational show, 1995, review
Burlington Free Press, Landscapes Sublime, solo painting by Paula Routly
Mowing the Mountain, Vermont Woman's Caucus for Art, Burlington, VT, Cami Davis, Ayn Baldwin, Carla Hochschild and Janet Fredericks
Art New England, solo painting, by Pamela Polston, 1988
ArtSpeak SOHO, A Vast Treasure of Art Choices, Will Grant
Burlington Free Press, article, An Upcountry Show Goes Downtown to SOHO 20 Gallery, NY, NY, 1988, review
Vanguard Press, Mindscapes: C.D. Bach's Paintings, Paula Routly, (Cameron Davis-Bach)
Burlington Entertainment Guide, Cosmic Soup: Paintings by Davis- Bach, by Paula Routly
Art New England, solo, by Elizabeth Bunsen
Rutland Herald, Moon Brook Opens Show
The Mountain Times, Work of Local Artists Displayed at Moonbrook
Stowe Reporter, Forty Vermont's Top Artists Meet at the Vermont Studio School, by Louise Von Weise
Magnolia’s Desire, AVA Gallery, Lebanon, NH, solo exhibition artist talk
Illuminated Worlds, Art at the Kent Museum, Adamant, VT, Pechu Kechu artist talk
ELEMENTAL, Mad River Valley Arts, Waitsfield, VT, Artist remarks
The Language of Gardens in Contemporary Art, Current Center for Contemporary Art, Stowe, VT, panelist.
ATOA Artist Talks on Art, Biophilia: In Excelsis Exhibition, Yale School of Sacred Music, Artist Panel
University of Vermont, guest lecture, Mark Usher, Sustainability & Culture
University of Vermont, guest lecture, Restoration Ecologies and Cultures (REC), Landscape Restoration and Leadership.
University of Pittsburgh, Guest speaker, Ann Rosenthal Painting.
Poetic Ecologies, Vermont State Supreme Court Gallery, Montpelier, VT Artist Remarks
Ecoconsciousness: Encounter, Metaphor & Practice, Paintings by Cameron Davis, Earth Week keynote, University of Vermont
Guest Teacher, Ecoart in Action, Activity, Perceiving Embeddedness,
University of Vermont, Environmental Program, Landscape Restoration & Leadership, Instructors: Amy Seidl & Cherie Morse
Panelist, Perennial Perspectives in Creative Arts, New Perennials, Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT, Meach Cover, Shelburne, VT.
Guest Lecturer, The Place Where Project, Nancy Winship Milliken Studio
Faculty Affiliate, Guest Lecturer: University of Vermont, Arts & Creative Living Community (3 lectures (60 participants total with assignment)
Guest Lecturer: Artist Talk, University of Vermont, College of Arts & Sciences Humanities Scholars Program Colloquium, Humanities Director, Mark Usher
Artist Talk & Guest Critic, Champlain College, Burlington, VT, Emergent Media MFA, Class: Art & the Anthropocene, with Rebecca Schwarz
Artist Talk, Great Mother, New Father Conference, The Mythopoetic Imagination, Nobleboro, Maine
Panelist: Nourishing Change Through the Arts, Earth Day 2019, Middlebury College Center for the Arts, Middlebury, VT, part of the Middlebury College, VT, & The Land Institute, Kansas, The New Perennial Project, Ecospheric Studies, Lead Scholar in Residence, Professor William Vitek, Philosophy curriculum development team
Presenter, Cosmophilia, artist talk, D&R Greenway Land Trust Gallery, Princeton, NJ
Panelist, The Emergent Universe Oratorio & Endless Spring Paintings: A creative response to the evolving cosmos, International Big History Conference, Villanova University,
Panelist, Cosmophilia Perceiving Ecologically in the Anthropocene, International Big History Conference, Villanova University, PA
Speaker, ENVS 1, Locating My Studio Practice in the Context of Integral Ecology
Presenter, Language, Landscape & the Sublime, Symposium, Schumacher College, Art & Ecology MA Program, Dartington Hall, Totnes, Devon, UK
Panelist: Of Land & Local: Watershed, The Alchemy of Science, Art & Spirit, ASIG, Shelburne, VT
Artist Talk, Burlington City Arts, Of Land & Local: Watershed, on “Airs, Waters, Soils (Places,)” Burlington, VT
Guest Speaker, University of Vermont, Environmental Program, ENVS 001 with Amy Seidl, on “Airs, Waters, Soils (Places)”
Presenter, PechaKucha Burlington, Shelburne Museum, Shelburne, VT
Panelist, The Working Land Symposium, October 10th, Shelburne Museum programming for Eyes on the Land exhibition, Shelburne, VT
Artist Talk, Eyes on the Land, and workshop (2), Nov. Shelburne Museum, Shelburne, VT
Panelist, University of Vermont, Environmental Program, "Environmental Literature, Arts, and Media," with Adrian Ivakhiv
Guest Lecturer, University of Vermont, Environmental Studies ENVS 001, “Art, Ecology and Activism,” with Amy Seidluest Lecturer, Metta Earth Institute 2015, Lincoln, VT. Mettaearth.org,
Session 1 – Metta Earth Social Change Leadership Training. Art Activism as a catalyst for emergent possibilities and the role of creative art practices and perceiving ecologically play in transformative social change.
Session 2 – Metta Earth Permaculture. The role of creative art practice and perceiving ecologically in transformative ecological design thinking --- with Ecoart and “Ecovention” Art examples.
Session 3 – Metta Earth Yoga Leadership Training, Guest Lecturer, An exploration of the integration of creative art practices, and contemplative practices where knowing is informed by both the inner and outer; calling forth emergent, yet to be apprehended, transformative outcomes --- with contemporary art examples. Yogic principles and their relationship to and influence on my painting practice.
Session 4- Metta Earth Wilderness and Ecopsychology Leadership Training. The role of creative art practices in re-wilding our ecological perceptions, practices, lives and leadership.
Guest Speaker, University of Vermont Arts Initiative, Burlington, VT
Artist Talk, Creative Cosmos, Chandler Art Gallery, Randolph, VT
Presenter: AESS, Association of Environmental Studies and Sciences Conference “Welcome to the Anthropocene,” Artist Panel: Art and the Anthropocene, 2014 Conference, PACE University, NYC, NY.
Guest Panelist: University of Vermont, Rubenstein School for Natural Resources and the Environment, Media, Arts, Culture and the Environment, course with Adrian Ivakhiv, PhD.
Co-Presenter: Awakening to Transformation, Through Art, Education and Spiritual Practice lecture series, On the Emergent Universe Oratorio project, Composer Sam Guarnaccia, Visual Artist Cameron Davis, with Fran Stoddard, former host of Vermont Public Television’s Profile program, available on RETN TV, March 21, 2013
Guest Lecturer: University of Vermont, Environmental Program, ENVS 1, Endless Spring painting series, and the Emergent Universe Oratorio
Guest Lecturer: University of Vermont, Environmental Program ENVS 1, Art Activism, Dec. 11, invited
Panelist: University of Vermont, Eco-feminism
Panelist: University of Vermont, Environmental Program Panel on Activism, Art and Activism
Panelist: AESS, Association of Environmental Studies Conference (national), Art and Science Collaborations, University of Vermont Environmental Program hosts
Field Trip Leader: AESS, Art and Science Collaborations, Burlington Artist’s Studios
Exhibitor Speaker: Goddard College Conference: Making, Meaning and Context: A Radical Reconsideration of Art’s Work, Plainfield, VT
Presenter: ECOART: Eaarth/Peace Oratorio (working title changed to the Emergent Universe Oratorio), choral composition and visual set selected portion exhibited in partnership with the Beaming Bioneers Montpelier event
Guest presenter/workshop facilitator: VATA Vermont Artist Teacher Association (regional), held at the University of Vermont, assisted by UVM Art Department Art Education students
Guest Lecturer: University of Vermont ENVS 151 Environmental Art
Artist Participant (panelist international): “Suddenly Visible” POL 5 Symposium, Swiss-Vermont exchange: art in the public sphere and the effects of globalism from an art-making perspective - www.suddenlyvisible.org, in partnership with Burlington City Arts, Burlington, VT
Panelist (regional): Environmental Art and Activism: Burlington City Arts, Firehouse Gallery, HUMAN=LANDSCAPE, Aesthetics of a Carbon Restrained Future, with Artist, Patrick Marold, Artist-Architect John Anderson, and exhibition curator Chris Thompson, invited funded
Presenter: Voices for the Environment Speaker Series, Art and the Environment, paintings, installations and community art projects of Cami Davis” All Souls Interfaith Gathering, Shelburne, VT
Presenter: University of Vermont Honors College Plenary Speaker Series, “Let Ours be a Time Remembered (Earth Charter); the paintings, installations and community art projects of artist Cameron Davis,”
Presenter: Third Annual Artist's Conference, Helen Day Art Center, Stowe, Vermont, “Where it Really Happens: Studio Practice.”
Guest Lecturer: University of Vermont, Honors Society, A Gift for the Road presentation on (6) site-specific installations of drawings from Ripton, VT to Burlington, VT for the first climate change action with Bill McKibben, with reading What the Warming World Needs Now is Art, Sweet Art, Grist e-magazine, 2005.
Guest Lecturer: Earth Charter, The Ark of Hope and Temenos Books, University of Vermont: Rubenstein School of the Environmental and Natural Resources NR2 Nature and Culture.
Guest Lecturer: Earth Charter, The Ark of Hope and Temenos Books, University of Vermont: Environmental Program, College of Arts and Sciences, ENVS 2 International Environmentalism.
Session co-facilitator (international invitational): Earth Charter +5 event, The Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, “The Role of the Arts in Promoting the Earth Charter,” (Davis/Linder) www.earthcharter.org
Presenter: Earth Charter +5 event, The Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The Quantum Community Project, Davis/Kapteyn Comstock www.mettaearth.org, the Temenos Books Project, Davis/Linder, and event For Love of Earth, a Celebration of the Earth Charter, Davis/Linder
Panelist: The Role of the Humanities in Environmental Studies, Northeast Environmental Colleges Association Conference, hosted by The Environmental Program, University of Vermont, at Basin Harbor, Vergennes, VT
Guest Lecturer: University of Vermont, Religion and Ecology class with Stephanie Kaza, For Love of Earth, A Celebration of the Earth Charter, and the Temenos Books Project
Guest Lecturer: University of Vermont, Environmental Studies 2 with Saleem Ali, For Love of Earth, A Celebration of the Earth Charter, and the Temenos Books Project
Presenter: Sustainable Communities 2004 Conference, Burlington, VT, The Role of the Arts in a Sustainable Future, The Temenos Books Project, and For Love of Earth, a Celebration of the Earth Charter.
Guest Lecturer: University of Vermont, Environmental Ethics class, with Steven Bede Scharper, M.A Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Study of Religion, Associate, Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Toronto, For Love of Earth, A Celebration of the Earth Charter/ The Temenos Books Project and the Ark of Hope.
Presenter: United States Society for Ecological Economics Symposium, Saratoga Springs, New York, Images for Global Healing; The Temenos Project and The Ark of Hope.
Guest Lecturer: Burlington College, Burlington, VT, Ecopsychology class, The Work of Cameron Davis.
Presenter: Voices for the Environment Speaker Series, Art and the Environment, paintings, installations and community art projects of Cami Davis, All Souls Interfaith Gathering, Shelburne, VT
Presenter Living the Earth Charter, a report on the Earth Charter +5 event, Amsterdam, The Netherlands and the Temenos Books (Davis/Linder) with the Ark of Hope (Linder), Charlotte Vermont “Sustainable Living Network”
Guest Critic: Castleton State College, VT
Keynote Speaker: Great Falls Middle School Leadership and Earth Day Celebration, Great Falls, Montana, The Temenos Project and The Ark of Hope.
Presenter: Saint Michaels' College Lecture Series, Colchester, VT, Ecology, Religion, and Social Justice, on the Temenos Books Project and the event For Love of Earth, a Celebration of the Earth Charter.
Workshop leader and presenter: Vermont Teachers Retreat on Ecology and Art, Perceiving Ecologically; The Role of the Arts in a Sustainable Future.
Presenter: Earth Charter Town Meeting Campaign Presentation, Hinesburg, Vermont, Temenos Books Project, and The Ark of Hope presentation, with Bill McKibben (End of Nature), Burlington Mayor Peter Clavelle & Selectperson Andrea Morgante
Presenter: The Putney School Summer Program, Putney, Vermont, The Ark of Hope, and the Temenos Books Project.
Arts Coordinator, Event Co-Creator: We the People Summit for Peace Youth and Public forums on Bill (HR2459) United Sates Department of Peace and Peace Academy, utilizing The Earth Charter September 28,2002, Keynotes: Congressman and Presidential Candidate Dennis Kucinich (Department of Peace), Dr. Steven C. Rockefeller, Earth Charter Commissioner for North America, Ira Allen Chapel, University of Vermont.
Presenter and panel participant: Unitarian Universalist Society, Burlington, VT, The Temenos Project, Images for Global Healing, Peace and Gratitude, The Ark of Hope and The Earth Charter.
Co-Presenter: Middlebury Unitarian Universalist Society, Middlebury, VT, The Temenos Project, Images for Global Healing, Peace and Gratitude and the Earth Charter.
Presenter:St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral, Burlington, VT, The Temenos Books Project, and Earth Charter.
Co-creator/producer: For Love of Earth, A Celebration of the Earth Charter, Shelburne Farms, VT, September 9, 2001 a daylong celebration of the Earth Charter, an international declaration of fundamental principles for building a just, sustainable and peaceful global society; music, art, dance and speakers: Jane Goodall, Satish Kumar, Steven C. Rockefeller, with music by Paul Winter, facilitated the creation of Temenos Books pages by nearly 2000 participants and the unveiling of The Ark of Hope. www.arkofhope.org
Presenter with UVM Earth Charter Senior Seminar Student Presenters: The Temenos Project, Images for Global Healing, Peace and Gratitude:
Vermont Arts Alliance Annual Conference, Middlebury College, VT
Vermont Art Teachers Association Conference, Montpelier, VT
Visionary Vermont Conference, speaker UVM, Burlington, VT
The Vermont Commons School, So. Burlington, VT
Essex Junction High School, Essex, VT
South Burlington Middle School, So. Burlington, VT
Essex Elementary School, Essex, VT
University of Vermont Environmental Fair, Burlington, VT
The Radio Bean, Burlington, VT Shelburne Elementary School, Shelburne, VT
University of Vermont Conference on Woman, Burlington, VT
Williston Elementary School, Williston, VT
Williston Allen Brook School, Williston, VT
Williston Elementary School, Williston, VT
Shelburne Middle School, Shelburne, VT
University of Vermont, Kathy Marmor 2-D art class, Burlington, VT
2001 Co-Presenter: Convocation of the Invisible Universe Conference, Chelsea Press Shelburne Farms, The Temenos Project and the Earth Charter Initiative, VT Sept 2000
2001 Presenter: Making Connections, Sustainability in Education Conference, The Temenos Books Project, Montpelier, VT
2001 Presenter: Community College of Vermont, The Temenos Project, Burlington, VT
2001 Workshop co-leader: Burlington City Arts, Community Arts Project: The Temenos Workshop, Burlington, VT
2001 Co-Presenter: VT 2020 (coalition of VT sustainability organizations), Temenos Project and For Love of Earth, A Celebration of the Earth Charter, Burlington, VT
2001 Presenter: VT 2020, Temenos Project @ the University of Vermont, Burlington, VT
2001 Co-Facilitator: Metta Earth Institute Painting the Wild, A Women's Painting and Yoga Retreat, www.mettaearth,org
Ecoartnetwork.org, international online dialogue and resource network for research in the field of Ecoart, 2010- present, invitational
Ecoartspace, member
New Perennial Project, Ecospheric Studies, Arts Sphere, Participant and student mentor, partnership with Middlebury College Scholar in Residence and the Land Institute, Kansas, Professor William Vitek, invitational
UVM EcoCultureLab ecoculturelab.org
Ecozoic Studies dialogue, national
Vermont Clean Water Network, www.vtcleanwaternetwork.org
AESS, Association of Environmental Studies and Sciences, member
WEAD Women Environmental Artists Directory, invitational member
Founding Member, National Museum of Woman in the Arts, Washington, DC
Member, National Caucus for Woman in the Arts, Vermont Chapter
Co-founder, Open Studios Burlington, Burlington, VT, 1984